These are just some of the fabulous things that can be found at Room With A Past this month. Offerings in my space also include an adorable 7-drawer white dresser (it is tall!), some fabulous vintage-look Hawaiian themed decor...and a beautiful garden-window planter. Be sure to pop in to the RWAP website for opening days and times.
Our specialty is custom celebration favors. Personalized chocloates, water bottle labels and bag tags are just a few of the things that can be designed around a theme for your special event. Recent designs include:
A line of chocolates and water bottles for Gardenseed (in Danville):
TEN adorable kittens made their way on to chocolate 'coins', a gift for a gal that does alot of work for SPCA. The picture is of her own kitties, all with the most amazing blue eyes!
And a baby shower with a "Baby Rain Forest" theme as a gift for a friend:
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